Legionary fortress
In Roman times, there were schematic architectural regulations for planning and laying out a legionary fortress. That makes it easier today to locate the most important buildings and reconstrucy the ground plans within dense built-over areas - as was also the case in Vienna. The outlines of the legionary fortress, which were enclosed by massive walls with towers and three ditches, can still be seen in the current city landscape (Tiefer Graben - Naglergasse - Graben - Rotenturmstraße). The legionary gates were connected with each other through roads laid out along the axis. Here, the main buildings were located: the command headquarters, the palace of the legion commander, the houses of the officers, and the baths. Living quarters for troops, a hospital, workshops, and stables, were set up in a right-angled grid.
Arms and Equipment
Roman legionaries received regular pay. However, 70 percent of that were deducted for provisions, festivities, equipment and a funeral expenses fund. Unlike today, soldiers themselves had to buy their equipment and weapons, or they inherited them from their fathers or relatives. Therefore, the equipment and the public appearance of the army was not uniform. Weapons and armour for man and horse changed in the course of time. Military belts and straps of the harnesses were remarkably rich in decorations. in Vienna, military equipment from Roman times was only found seldomly, because damaged pieces of equipment were melted down again and make into new items.
Vindobona in the Roman Museum, photo: de.wikipedia.org
AdministrationThe civil town was administered by its inhabitants. They had a council with 100 members from the local ruling class. These posts were prestigious but one also had to contribute to the development of the town with one's private property. The main officials of the administration were two magistrates (duumviri). The supreme magistrates performed their services voluntarily for one year. There were personnel available for daily work. Professional associations (collegia) of certain tradesmen also served as volunteer fire brigades. An organised waste disposal system, as we know it today, did not exist. Each homeowner was responsible far keeping his/her own front area clean.
Vindobona and its surrounding areas made their living by supplying the Roman troops. Traders settled down, especially in the urban settlement near the fortress, selling agricultural products from the surrounding estates, as well as importing exotic food. They also traded locally-produced consumer items from resident craftsmen, such as ceramic crockery, metal goods or bone carvings. On the other hand, some traded with luxury items that were delivered from distant regions. Due to major construction works and the extension of road networks, brickworks (Wien 17, Hernals) were established, quarries were developed (Wien 19, Nußberg) and the timber industry was given a boost (Wienerwald).
by text: Wien Museum Römermuseum